1. Learning Opportunity:
- Instead of directly giving answers, Smart Serve provides feedback in the form of just the questions which were answered incorrectly. This approach encourages candidates to review their mistakes and learn from them.
- It promotes a deeper understanding of the material rather than just memorizing answers.
2. Integrity and Fairness:
- Smart Serve aims to maintain the integrity and fairness of the certification process. If test answers were provided, it could lead to potential cheating or sharing of answers amongst candidates.
- By not revealing the correct answers immediately, Smart Serve ensures that each candidate takes the test independently and honestly.
3. Proctored Testing:
- Smart Serve uses proctored testing, which means that you are monitored while taking the test. A certificate will not be issued if testing rules are broken.
- Providing answers would compromise the effectiveness of proctored testing.
4. Certification Process:
- If a candidate passes the test with a score greater than 80% and no integrity issues, they receive their Smart Serve certificate.
By withholding answers, Smart Serve ensures that candidates demonstrate sufficient knowledge to earn their certification.